Interested USA/Canada Districts are invited to participate in High Impact Church Planting as a Partner District.  The four qualifications to become a Partner District include:

  1. Willingness to promote the need for High Impact Churches on your district

  2. Willingness to participate in the development/delivery of a High Impact Church

  3. Committed to encourage all current large churches (250+) to multiply leaders, campuses and new churches

  4. Willingness to link to your district website and distribute High Impact Church stories

Every one of the 17 districts below have made these commitments. For more information on our Partner Districts, clink on their link below:  

Chicago Central District Dr. Larry McKain

Eastern Michigan District Dr. Glen Gardner

Illinois District Dr. Jim Kraemer

Indianapolis District Dr. Ron Blake

Joplin District Rev. Phil Rhoades

Kentucky District Dr. Brian Powell

Michigan District Rev. Kevin Hardy

North Carolina District Dr. Greg Mason

Northeastern Indiana District Dr. David Roland

Northern California District Rev. Albert Hung

Northwestern Illinois District Dr. Scott Sherwood

Oregon Pacific District Dr. Stan Reeder

Philadelphia District Rev. Kerry Willis

Prairie Lakes District Rev. Steve Hoffman

South Carolina District Rev. Sam Flores

South Texas Dr. Jeffrey Johnson

Wisconsin District Dr. Kevin Donley